We all know that chiropractic care assists with ailments like low back pain, headaches, and soreness, but what can chiropractic do for pregnant women and is it even safe?
First of all, there is a whole world of holistic care beyond chiropractic adjustments. We’ve talked before about functional medicine, soft tissue work, and even water, but there is so much more to wellness care! Aside from the more well-known treatments like acupuncture and massage therapy, there is Webster technique and pregnancy care.
What is Webster Technique?
Just like with standard chiropractic, pregnancy care is non-invasive and non-pharmacologic. Webster technique simply takes pregnancy care further by combining spinal manipulation (adjustments) with soft tissue work to the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis.
So, is chiropractic safe for pregnant women? Yes! But more than that, chiropractic care is incredibly beneficial for pregnant women for a number of reasons.
- Pregnancy care can lead to shorter, less complicated births.
- It ensures the pelvis and all of it’s components are moving properly which leads to…
- Improvement in low back,
- Decreased pelvic aches, pains, and discomfort,
- Better mobility and range of motion, and
- Improved sleep.
- Webster technique also optimizes pelvic mobility and function which may give your growing baby more room to get into birthing position.
Can Pregnant Women Also Receive Spinal Adjustments and Scraping?
In addition to the focus Webster places on pelvic care, chiropractic adjustments, and rehabilitative exercises in other areas of the body like the mid-back and neck may be beneficial as well. Pregnant women may experience decreased pain as well as improvement in headaches.
Plus, all of these benefits come with little risk of side effects due to the non-invasive, conservative nature of chiropractic care. Many women face minimal options when it comes to pain management during pregnancy, so receiving chiropractic care can make a huge impact on quality of life!
Ready to Come See Us?
We are always so honored to be a part of the pregnancy journey and seek to empower and assist pregnant mamas in experiencing the most optimal pregnancy and birth.
If you or someone you know is pregnant and seeking chiropractic care, know we would be elated to assist. As always, you will first have a thorough history and physical examination before treatment to ensure you are a candidate for care. Following such, we begin care all the way up to baby day.
Check out some of our favorite resources for expecting mothers below: