Chiropractors are widely known for spinal and extremity adjustments, but that barely scrapes the surface of chiropractic care. And speaking of scrapes, what exactly is scraping?
Put simply, scraping is a term for IASTM, or, “instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization”. IASTM goes by many other names, so you may have heard it referred to as Graston, blading, or soft tissue work too.
This technique has gained recent popularity through TikTok and Instagram where chiros “scrape” the skin using stainless steel tools and soft tissue cream. What exactly is being done though and why?
Some of the most common uses for IASTM are to:
- increase blood flow to specific areas of the body
- support the body’s own healing process
- reduce pain
- reduce myofascial adhesions
- improve mobility
- speed up the healing process
IASTM is not only evidence-based, but is an amazing adjunct to chiropractic care which ultimately seeks to help you get better, stay better, and be well.
Interested in coming in for Scraping? Here’s what you need to know.
- New patients see the doctor for a standard exam and health history. This is where the doctor will determine if you’re a candidate for scraping.
- Chiropractic and scraping often go hand-in-hand so yes, you can see the doctor for both.
- We use different movements – some relieving and some causing pain – to address the tissues involved.
- Scraping may cause temporary bruising or petechiae (tiny round purple spots) over the area it is applied, but we want that blood flow and inflammation process in order to support your body’s own healing ability!
- You need to drink LOTS of water before and in the days following your IASTM treatment to support tissue healing.
It’s super easy to become a new patient at Move•ment. Reach out to us online or call to set up an appointment and be sure to let us know that you’re interested in scraping!