Dr Heather Elton

Dr. Heather Elton grew up on a farm in Northern Minnesota and attended the University of Minnesota in Duluth for four years. She transferred to Northwestern Health Science University and graduated with her Doctorate in Chiropractic, Bachelor in Human Science and Certification in Acupuncture in 1998. She moved to Nebraska in 1999 and worked as an Associate Physician until she opened up Elton Chiropractic & Acupuncture in 2002. After being in practice for 11 years, she decided to follow her passion for nutritional healing and started her educational journey in Functional Medicine. She received her Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition in January of 2013.
In April of 2018, she relocated her practice and also renamed her clinic since Elton Chiropractic & Acupuncture no longer encompassed all of the services that the clinic provided. With her passion for creating a MOVEMENT toward optimizing the health of those in our community, Move•ment Chiropractic & Integrative Wellness was born on April 1st of 2018. Dr. Elton has been practicing functional medicine since 2013 and works with patients who suffer from autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, hormonal disorders, chronic fatigue, infertility, fibromyalgia and more. She also continues to provide acupuncture treatment.